Weekday classes can be joined Zoom (ID# is 858-784-1721, Password is 9R3NEZ) , Facebook Live, and on the phone - 646-558-6338 - code is 613770#. 

Classes are given by Rabbi Yakov D. Kirschenbaum 

-Monday at 9:00 pm
My Prayer - Commentary on the daily and Shabbat prayers
Click here for the online text

- Tuesday at 9:00 pm
On Zoom, FB & Phone - not in person
The Daily Tanya
Click here for text

-Wednesday at 9:00 pm
Parshah Insights

- Shabbat at 9:30 am at Chabad
Tanya & Tuna

-Shabbat at appx. 1:30 pm (following the kiddush)
Chassidus Class with Rabbi Aaron Wold

-Shabbat afternon - 45 minutes before Minchah - at Chabad
Talmudic Tales - "Ein Yakov"