At Chabad of Washington Heights
50 Overlook Terrace, side entrance

Weekday classes can be joined on:
-Zoom - ID#: 858-784-1721 Password: 9R3NEZ  
-Facebook Live
-Phone - 646-558-6338 - code is 613770#. 


Classes are given by Rabbi Yakov Kirschenbaum 

-Mondays at 8:30 pm
My Prayer
Commentary on the daily prayers
 Click here for the text

-Wednesdays at 8:30 pm
Parshah Insights

-Shabbat at 9:30 am
Tanya & Tuna

-Shabbat afternoon - 45 minutes before Minchah 

Talmudic Tales - "Ein Yakov"

One-on-One Study with the Rabbi
If there's any Torah/Jewish subject that you'd like to study, Rabbi Kirschenbaum will be happy to learn with you one-on-one. Call/text 212-203-3650 or [email protected].